Thursday, December 11, 2008

Loved Completely

A few years ago god gave me a peace, a peace in knowing that no matter what I do, not matter what people think of me, or no matter what I have done in the past I am Loved Completely by him. It gave me such a peace knowing that I never had to worry about trying to please everyone. Always waiting for that approval of my parents, my boss or myself. God loves me for everything I do at it is always good enough for him.

Today I was awarded at work for recieving all of my "vision cards". Vision cards are basically complements written down and given to me by co-workers who think I have done a good job. I was the first one that recieved all of them. What honor I was given to recieve this award. And it felt so great being recognized for the things that I do. I think god knew I needed that. It is amazing how much a "good job" does for someone. This feels like a worldly pat on the back from god, and it feels great!

1 comment:

April Mitchell said...

Good Job, Mandy-That is awesome. We all deserve a pat on teh back every once in awhile