I get so incredibly annoyed at work. I think I am just so used to working by my self....wait no that is not what it is at all. It is just certain people I work with! Why am I kidding myself. I just feel like with that certain someone I am constantly dictated to and I just want to do things my way not hers. If I work with her it is always HER way and on her time frame. Which makes it really hard to work at as a team.

I woke up this morning at 12:45am just before my alarm went off. And I sat up in bed and just sat there for a minute thinking, "this shit's gotta come to an end!, I'm messing up my life" Anymore I have to sit there for a second just to wake up so I don't go down the stairs half asleep and fall down them. Not even kidding...I have randomly wanted to fall to sleep mid sentence talking to people before. I used to have a really hard time driving home because I would be nodding off and now my body has created this really weird state of consciousness where I can be awake but not really awake. I know it sounds absolutely crazy but it is the truth. I think it may be insomnia. For any of you that have ever seen the movie "Fight Club" before there is a great scene where they explain insomnia perfectly.
Today or actually yesterday...that is another bad thing I never know what day it is, I can't remember anything that happened the day before. Co-workers will ask me about patients that we had in yesterday and I can't remember crap! Anyways...yesterday when I got home I was so tired that I was typing on the computer and fell to sleep twice. When I actually fell to sleep around 9:30am I didn't wake up until like 3:30pm! I haven't slept that long straight through for months!!! It was such an awesome feeling!
I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you got some sleep!! Please take care of yourself
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